cVIGIL app with live photo video with cvigil auto location data provides ideal code of conduct no time spend proof of cost This unique combination of times stamping on live photo with auto location to negative at right place by election system and take immediate action A reliable GIS based dashboard provides robust decision tools to discard and dispose of frivolous and unrelated cases before proceeding thereby reducing the workload of the Election Commission even with ghost complaints.
cVigil App by ECI Currently lacks a quick information channel to transmit and track complaints at MCC Due to delay in reporting violations of Model Code of Conduct MCC often criminals escape from ECI’s flying code of investigation Moreover no in the form of pictures and videos But the lack of documented anecdotal evidence was a major hindrance in establishing the truth of the facts after pre-complaints.
Download the cVigil app.
The new cVigil app launched by the Election Commission of India is expected to address all these gaps and create a fast track complaint reception and redressal system. emphasizes
Citizens are encouraged to use ECI’s main website to lodge other complaints or call the National Contact Center on 1800111950 or the State Contact Center on 1950 for other complaints.
About PWD Application.
The Election Commission of India is working to simplify the voter identification and registration process by providing customized services to PWDs under a new program where PWDs share their essential details with the Election Commission through a call service number or a specially designed app. need to do which they can easily download on their android phones.
For requesting any election oriented services first time voters have to declare their name address and mobile number with their state district and assembly constituency while registered voters have to provide their e PIC number mentioned on the top of their voter ID card once they do it at a booth. It will not take long for the voter ID card to be sent to their address after the level officer will visit them at home to complete the remaining formalities.
Important link
Here is the very necessary information regarding how to complain immediately about any obstructing activity at any polling station and which useful application has been released by the Chief Election Commission through.
our website Hope you will find this information very useful and if any such activity comes to your attention, you will immediately file a complaint online.
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