How PM Vishwakarma Yojana will help the artisans, who will get the benefit and when will get the full detailed information.

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has announced a new financial assistance scheme for skilled workers of the country PM Vishwakarma Yojana has been launched on the occasion of Swatantra Day from 15th August 2023 The
full name of the scheme is PM Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman Yojana in his speech from Red Fort on Swatantra Day Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that this scheme will be launched on the occasion of Vishwakarma Jayanthi

with a budget of Rs 13,15000 crore. August approved the scheme with a budget of ₹13,000 crore. The scheme has been implemented for five years from 2023 24 to 2017 28. The scheme also aims to enable artisans to provide better quality products and services. Through this scheme, artisans and artisans will be connected to a large business network across the country and the world. Benefits of the scheme: Under this scheme, artisans and artists will be given certificates and identification cards. Under this scheme, financial assistance will be provided to the targeted beneficiaries in the form of collateral free enterprise development loans . ,00,000 will be eligible for loan Beneficiaries The concessional rate of interest chargeable on the loan has been fixed at five percent The interest concession limit by the Government of India will be up to 8% and it will be provided to the banks in advance Who will benefit from this scheme The benefits of PM Vishwakarma Yojana Artisans and artists from rural and urban areas of the country will initially benefit from the following 18 traditional professions: Carpenter, Goldsmith , Potter, Sculptor , Cobbler, Cobbler , Weaver, Pottery, Mat , Broom Maker, Traditional Toy Maker, Vanand , Washerman, Gardener , Tailor , Fishing Net Maker, Holi Maker, Shastra Astra What other benefits will the manufacturers , blacksmiths , locksmiths, hammer and tool kit makers be eligible for?” Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said in a media interaction. Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said in a media interaction that another major objective of the scheme is to provide scale up-gradation to improve traditional skills and provide appropriate training opportunities.

Basic and modern level training will be provided to the artisans.The trainees will be given daily allowance of Rs.500 during the training period and financial assistance up to Rs.15000 will also be given to purchase the necessary equipment.Under
this scheme, the target is to cover five lakh families in the first year and 30 lakh during the five-year period. Artisans family will benefit from the scheme
Important link
- Official website Click here
How to Apply
PM Vishwakarma Yojana will be launched on September 17 Vishwakarma Jayanti
Detailed information about this scheme and application process details have been updated on the website
Till now total 11,321 people have already applied and the first phase verification process is yet to start
According to the information on the government website registration for the scheme can be done as follows
Mobile and Aadhaar Verification Worker has to do Mobile Authentication and Aadhaar e KYC
Registration Form Worker has to fill the registration form and submit the application Enrollment of beneficiaries will be done through Common Service Center at Gram Panchayat and City Municipal level and also through online application through portal
PM Vishwakarma Certificate Artisan will have to download PM Vishwakarma Digital Identity Card and Certificate
Finally Artisan will have to apply for the scheme components based on his/her skills, said on the government website. According to the beneficiary gets half Shubh then three stage verification will be done then registration for PM Vishwakarma Yojana will be done as per the rule.