Know how much post office returns on one lakh rupees for one year FD
Post Office FD Scheme : Nowadays most of the people are investing in some scheme and investing for their children and their future. Nowadays every bank and post office etc. are operating various schemes and each one is getting different returns which are according to their needs. It depends on the rules here we have brought all the information about post office FD scheme know how much return post office will give you on investment of 1,00,000 in one year .
Most people trust post office here we tell you that post office scheme has been launched for this new year with new interest rate due to which now more return will be given if you also invest your money in safe place without any kind of risk. If you wish then post office FD scheme can prove to be a very good option for you.

Before investing, everyone should know how much return they will get in a year on an investment of Rs 1 lakh
here everyone will be happy to know that anyone can deposit their money in this post office FD scheme. You can start investing in this scheme with a minimum of Rs 1000 but you can invest as per your wish without any fixed investment limit. You can get FD up to 15 lakhs according to your capacity.
આને પણ વાંચો : મહિલા ઉત્કર્ષ યોજના હેઠળ મેળવો એક લાખ રૂપિયાની લોન જાણો યોજનાની સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી
Who can invest in post office FD scheme?

એક વર્ષના એફડી પર એક લાખ રૂપિયા પર પોસ્ટ ઓફિસમાં કેટલું વ્યાજ મળે
Everyone needs to know that post office has changed its interest rate from January 1st 2024 and its interest rate changes from time to time if you do FD for one year then you will get 6.90 percent interest which people in post office scheme for two years. Investors will get 7% interest paid by post office and if you do FD for three years you will get 7.10 percent interest rate and those who do FD for five years will get interest as high as 7.50 percent on their investment. And your money will be 100% safe.

પોસ્ટ મા ચાલતી 3 વીમા યોજના

How much interest will be earned on post office FD scheme.
So if you invest one lakh rupees in this post office FD scheme, you will get a return of 7080 rupees in a year, that means you will get a total return of 107081 rupees after one year.

આને પણ વાંચો : કુંવરબાઈનુ મામેરુ યોજના હેઠળ 12 હજાર રૂપિયાની સહાય મેળવો જાણો અરજી કરવાની પ્રોસેસ
On one lakh rupees deposited for two years, you will get 14,888 rupees interest at the end of two years, which means that you will be entitled to 1,14,888 rupees in total.
And if you make an FD of one lakh rupees for five years, then you will be entitled to receive interest of Rs 44,995 at the end of five years, that is, at the end of five years, the total amount you will be entitled to is Rs 1,44,995

documents list
If you want to invest in this post office FD scheme, you have to submit the following documents
aadhar card
PAN Card
Water ID Card
Passport size photograph of the applicant
A mobile number linked to the bank and
other required application forms